

Steph at Sardi’s, New York City

“A creative life is an amplified life” (Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic), but a life spent in creative pursuits, as mine has been, is sometimes hard to measure, and even harder to define. I am a journalist and author, a poet and professor, a speaker and teacher, a fabric artist and photographer, a tireless world traveler and a dedicated home chef. I am also a wife, a mother, a daughter and a friend. And now I’m a blogger with a website!

TheNarrativeThread.com is about the fabric of life, the joy of creating and the art of living well. The name reflects the patterns of my own life story, the focus on narrative form that has been so important in my work as a writer and teacher, and the emergence of my passion as an art quilter. I invite you along as I record and reflect and continue to grow, even at this later stage of life. 

Stephanie Dahl

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